1st Nordic Cardio-Oncology Summit
Tilmeldingsperioden er slut.
Why a Nordic Cardio-Oncology Summit and a Nordic Cardio-Oncology Society?
- Modern cancer therapy increases the number of long-term cancer survivors, but may result in unwanted cardiovascular effects
- Cardiologists and oncologists have different perspectives of cancer therapy and cardiac side effects
- A Nordic Cardio-Oncology Summit allows for an update in the rapidly evolving field of Cardio-Oncology
- Nordic countries together have a population of more than 25 million people, by merging our knowledge and collaborate in research, we can work faster and generate high quality work with clinical impact
Praktisk info
Arrangeres af Nordic Cardio-Oncology Society
Der henvises til arrangørens hjemmeside for mere information.
Arrangeres af Nordic Cardio-Oncology Society
Der henvises til arrangørens hjemmeside for mere information.
Medlemskab af DCS er ikke påkrævet
08. november 2019
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